About me

T Titti started practicing yoga when she was seventeen, as a therapy for her “dancing injuries”. She was in New York ,having an early career as a professional dancer (Martha Graham Dance Company, Elisa Monte...) and she soon understood that yoga was a must, to feel better with her body. Her journey with the yoga practice started than, when eager to know, she started to explore almost all the styles of yoga from Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Yin, Hata, Hot and Bikram in NYC. And since then she never stopped practicing, because she realized the power of yoga.

"The power is not in the wanting, the power is in the allowing"

When she came back to Italy, still as a professional dancer, she decided to take the Sivananda Hatha yoga teacher training in the ashram of Reith in Tyrol, because she wanted to live, practice, meditate as a real yogi and as a teacher she wanted to “go back to the roots of yoga”. Today Titti honors her love for dance teaching yoga also for the internationally known dance company “No gravity Dance company”.